We’ve all been very concerned lately about our physical health. We’re doing all we can to avoid the spread of a deadly virus. We’re taking deliberate steps to ensure not only our own health but also that of others.
But what about our spiritual health? Are we as concerned as we should be about our vitality as followers of Jesus? Are we taking the necessary steps to provide for the well-being of the “body of Christ?”
We have adopted as our theme for 2021 “Healthy Disciples/Healthy Church.” No church can ever hope to be biblically sound and effective unless its members (individual disciples) are growing in grace and truth. And even the healthiest Christians cannot make the gospel impact they should unless they are united to worship and serve according to the Lord “prescription” for his church.
With those things in mind, we will seek to follow (as God wills) a deliberate process of scriptural evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and revitalization of our own lives and our fellowship in the coming year. Every two months or so, we’ll introduce a new emphasis that will help us on our way to becoming a more robust, healthy body of believers (see below). In addition to a variety of biblical sermons on each emphasis, we’ll be offering periodic studies and events to help you (and all of us) pursue godly transformation and effective ministry.
You are invited to join us on this endeavor! Worship with God’s people! Learn with us in Bible study! Memorize Scripture with us! Serve with us! Witness to the world with us! Glorify the “one true Vine” with us as we strive to become well-nourished, fruit-producing branches in him!